
Famous people

Ramos Ruy

His name is Ramos Ruy. He was born in Brazil. His birthday is February 2, 1957.
He was famous soccer player in Japan. He was member of Japanese national team during 1989-1995.
He played soccer in San Paulo. He was scouted for a Japanese soccer player when he was 20. Japanese professional team contract money is more expensive than Brazil professional team. He helped to household economy, so he signed a contract. He came to Japan 1977. He joined a Japanese professional soccer team.



Convenience Store

I asked students about convenience store. There are many types of convenience stores. For example Seven Eleven, Family Mart etc. They are very famous in Japan. I think there are convenience stores all over the world.

I am surprised that China’s convenience stores don’t open around the clock.
Two out of six students like Family mart, one out of six students like Seven Eleven. All students like convenience store, because the food is delicious.
All students thought that using electricity around the clock is a waste.

I think there are convenience stores all over the world, and they open around the clock.
I am surprised that China’s convenience stores don’t open around the clock.
All students thought that using electricity around the clock is a waste. I think so too. But if refrigerator stopped, food will decay. I think that using electricity around the clock cannot be helped.


Famous person went to America.

Hideki Matsui

He is very nice baseball player. He was born in 1947. He started to play baseball when he was 11. He entered high school that is very strong in baseball. He became professional baseball player after graduating from high school. He obtained many wonderful successes.

There are the Major Leagues in America. The Major Leagues have many more good players than Japanese professional baseball team. He wanted to test see how good he could become. He obtained many wonderful successes in the Major Leagues too.